Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Lagu Kanak-kanak- Rasa Sayang


Guru Pembawa Obor Ilmu
Di persada antarabangsa
guru pendidik terbaik
mendidik berterusan
mengisi hati dengan iman.

Kata murid kepada guru
seorang guru itu
berkualiti dari segi intelek
jernih berani kuat rohani
pegangan agama kukuh ampuh
jasmani kuat bersemangat
penampilan imej diri
segak sentiasa memikat
guru mahir berkomunikasi
di dalam darjah di luar sekolah
menghayati nilai-nilai murni

Kata murid kepada guru
seorang guru itu membawa obor ilmu
berpengetahuan dalam kehidupanm
Memberi nasihat masa depan
percaya dan patuh kepada Tuhan

Ketika berada di barisan
paling depan
guru merealisasikan hasrat dan misi
demi agama,bangsa dan negara
supaya mencapai kesejahteraan
harmoni dan kemakmuran
dalam bicara pengajaran

What Is ICT

ICT is the technology required for information processing, in particular, the use of electronic computers, communication devices and software applications to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime.

Information refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation, study or research. The tools to transmit information are the telephone, television and radio.

Communication is an act of transmitting messages. It is a process whereby information is exchanged between individuals using symbols, signs or verbal interactions. Previously, people communicated through sign or symbols, performing drama and poetry. With the advent of technology, these 'older' forms of communication are less utilized as compared to the use of the Internet, e-mail or video conferencing.

Technology is the use of scientific knowledge, experience and resources to create processes and products that fulfill human needs. Technology is vital in communication.
Aiding Communication
Telephone and fax machines are the devices used in extending communication.
Spreading Information
To broadcast information such as news or weather reports effectively. Radio, television, satellites and the World Wide Web (www) are powerful tools that can be used

Larian Serentak 1 Malaysia (02-07-2011) SJK(C) Chung Hwa, Pokok Sena,Kedah.

Waris dan murid-murid membuat pendaftaran...... 

                                 Larian bermula.....

                             Ketika Larian berlangsung.....

Tamat Larian....

Penyampaian Hadiah....